The Department
The Farm Inputs Support Services (FISS) Department was formally known as Federal Fertilizer Department. The change in the name was as a result of the restructuring of the Ministry and Department in June, 2014 by the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF).
Our Vision
Timely provision of good quality agricultural inputs to the farmers in the most cost effective manner.Our Mission
To ensure that Nigerian farmers have easy access to high quality inputs for their use in an efficient and cost effective manner to increase agricultural production, ensure food security and enhance the quality of life of rural farmers.Our Mandate
The main mandate of the Department is to make available adequate quantity of high quality fertilizers (inorganic and organic) and other agricultural inputs to Nigerian farmers to increase agricultural production, ensure food and cash crop self-sufficiency and also increase farmer’s income. Other mandates includes:-- Formulation of policy and regulatory framework on fertilizer and other agricultural inputs for the country in collaboration with ECOWAS Sub-Region and D8 Countries
- Regulate fertilizers and agro-chemicals quality standards in the country. Develop, promote and adopt use of organic fertilizer in the country
- Ensure timely availability and equitable distribution of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs in the country
- Carry out field trials on pilot basis in collaboration with Research Institutes on new fertilizer technologies to determine adoption or otherwise
- Provide policy advocacy on fertilizer including environmental impact assessment
- Development of the Fertilizers and other agricultural inputs Markets nationwide through Public Private Partnership strategy.